"Dengan mengedit regristry kamu akan bisa merubah ini
Open registry editor "regedit"
Go ke bagian
Modify the values of RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Cara Mengganti Regrister Owner di WindoXP
How to Enable ADMINS and Registry service permanently ?
Server ADMIN$ Share
For NT4 Servers, Win2K Servers, and Windows Server 2003, go to:
Name: AutoShareServer
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1
Note: A reboot is necessary for this to take effect.
Workstation ADMIN$ Share
For NT4 Workstations, Win2K Professional, XP Professional, go to:
Name: AutoShareWks
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value: 1
Note: A reboot is necessary for this to take effect.
If you want the administrative shares to be re-created, change the value to 1.
For the Remote Registry service
Name: Start
Value: 2
A value of 2 will start the remote registry service automatically.
Chating Menggunakan Command Prompt
Pingin chating sama temen tanpa harus mendownload Messenger? jawabnya Gampang, yang harus anda lakukan cukup mengetahui IP address dan Command Prompt.
Pertama, buka Notepad kemudian enter:
@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A
Kemudian Simpan dengan nama " Messenger bat"
Buka bat file dan di
Prompt you should see:
Setelah tulisan "User" tulis IP addressnya computer yang ingin anda hubungi.
Setelah itu anda pasti akan melihat tulisan seperti ini:
Sekarang tulis pesan yang ingin anda kirim. Sebelum anda tekan tombol "Enter"
akan terlihat tulisan seperti ini:
Message: hai apa kabar
Kini anda tinggal tekan Enter untuk mulai Chating!
Kegunaan Tombol Windows
TombolWindows logo, terletak pada bagian bawah sebelah kiri keybord atau juga di sebelah kanan atas untuk windows vista. tapi ini special beguna pada windows dan bukan Vista. Jangan dianggap remeh Logo windows banyak kegunaanya seperti di bawah ini:
Windows: Display the Start menu
Windows + D: Minimize or restore all windows
Windows + E: Display Windows Explorer
Windows + F: Display Search for files
Windows + Ctrl + F: Display Search for computer
Windows + F1: Display Help and Support Center
Windows + R: Display Run dialog box
Windows + break: Display System Properties dialog box
Windows + shift + M: Undo minimize all windows
Windows + L: Lock the workstation
Windows + U: Open Utility Manager
Windows + Q: Quick switching of users (Powertoys only)
Windows + Q: Hold Windows Key, then tap Q to scroll thru the different users on your PC
Dan masih banyak lagi kegunaan kegunaan logo windows ini
Menghilangkan Security Alert
sebenarnya security alert adalah suatu tanda peringatan yg akan slalu mengingatkan komputer kita untuk lebih aman dan terjaga tetapi kadang kita merasa sebel dengan adanya alert tersebut yang stiap saat mengingatkan kita. nah cara untuk menghilangkan
1. start menu > Control Panel > security Center.
Di menu sebelah kiri, klik tulisan paling bawah Change the way Security Center alerts me.
Nah disitulah kamu bisa mengganti settingan agar peringatan itu tdk muncul.
Menaruh Nama di Taksbar waktu
orang kalo sering ngutak ngatik komputer pasti kadang menemukan sesuatu yang baru walo itu emang sudah bukan hal unik lagi tapi kalo kita nemuin itu kan kayaknya unik ya gak
Nah agar nama kita ada di Taksbar komputer, caranya pertama tama
Start -> Control Panel -> Ragional and Language
Ragional Options klik menu Customize sebelahnya (english United States) itu kalo komputernya menggunakan bahasa inggris Sudah klik Customize itu kemudian klik menu Time lalu ganti AM symbol dengan PM symbol ganti dengan nama kamu kalo sudah kemudian Apply -> Ok
Kalo sudah begitu tapi belum jadi juga maksudnya belum muncul di taksbar, Klik dua kali waktu / jam yg ada di taksbar nah di situ dibawahnya gambar jam yang AM/PM nya klik tanda panah kebawah ganti dengan Nama yg sudah kmu tulis . -> its Work benar kan ?!
Ok met mencoba !
Cara Mengganti Nama Pada PROCESSOR
pada halaman sebelah kanan akan muncul kemudian klik mause sebelah kanan ->Modify -> PROCESSORNAMESTRING kemudian tulis apapun yang kamu inginkan didalam TEXTBOX.
Mengganti TITLE Window Media Player
Mengganti Title bar pada Window Media Player
Pertama tama
Menu Start -> Run -> Regedit
kemudian Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoft
WindowsMediaPlayer (create a new key named WindowsMediaPlayer if its not der)
Setelah itu Create a string value of TitleBar
Cara Mengganti Windows Degan Namamu
Cara ini dilakukan hanya menggunakan Notepad kemudian menyimpannya di c:windowssystem32 directory: dengan nama OEMINFO.INI
Tulislah seperti dibawah ini di Notepade sesuai dengan komputermu dan isi nama yg ingin kamu tuliskan
Manufacturer=Your Name Here
Model=Your Model Here
[Support Information]
Line1=Your Name Here
Line2=Your Address Here
Line3=Your Email Address Here
Kemudian simpan file tersebut, lalu pergi ke My Computer kemudian klik mause sebelah kanan Properties, dalam Menu General "liat bagian bawah diatasnya menu OK ato Cancel" ada menu Support Information klik menu ini dan akan terlihat apa yg barusan kamu tulis.
Jika ingin menambahkan informasi yang lainnya lagi dalam menu support information itu cukup pergi menuju dimana file itu kmu simpan
Contohnya Line4=jadwal jam kerja
Start Up Sound Menggunakan Musik Sendiri
Jika komputer kamu menggunakan XP ato Vista, pasti suara Start up dan shutdown nya gk akan pernah beda.
Pernah bayangin kalo suara start up / shutdownnya menggunakan musik kesukaanmu? jadi gk bosen suara start up dan shutdownya nya itu itu aja. Nah dibawah ini ada cara untuk merubahnya
Cara 1.
pilih musik yang akan di jadikan untuk start up dan shutdown, tapi dengan sarat Musik harus menggunakan Format WAV lalu dan besarnya Size tidak boleh lebih dari 1MB
cara 2.
Sekarang rename file musik tadi dengan nama benar “Windows XP Startup.WAV” and “Windows XP Shutdown.WAV”
Cara 3.
Sekarang menuju ke “C:WINDOWSMEDIA”, disitu kamu akan menemukan file “Windows XP Startup.WAV” and “Windows XP Shutdown.WAV”, Pindahkan File tersebut di folder/tempat lain untuk menjaga njaga seandainya terjadi kesalahan maka kamu masih memiliki musik start up/shutdown tersebut untuk di normalkan kembali tau mungkin juga kamu menginginkan musik tersebut di kemudian hari maka kamumasih memilikinya.
Cara 4.
terahir file yang sudah di Rename tadi, kemudian Copy Paste aja di “C:WINDOWSMEDIA”, Selesai sudah sekarang kmu bisa menikmati suara start up dan shutdown dgn mesuk kesukaanmu
Saturday, May 24, 2008
How to Tame a Free Spirit
Have you met someone who's fiercely independent, and yearn for their devotion? The key to taming a wild soul is to make him or her feel like they can be freer with you than with anybody else. Here's how to have that free spirit eating out of your hand, willingly and happily.
StepsAccept them. The number one condition that all free spirits demand of their relationships is acceptance. If you don't accept the free spirit, the free spirit takes that as an assault on his/her freedom. If you accept them exactly as they are and place no expectations/conditions on them, then they can trust you. And only in trust can a relationship develop. The free spirit cannot be tamed, but can be hooked with full, true acceptance...
Get your priorities straight. What do you want most out of the relationship? Think about what your top three expectations are: Commitment? Respect? Honesty? Affection? Companionship? Passion? Security? A free spirit is not the kind to twist and turn to meet your every need. You'll have to make it simple for them by coming to an understanding of what you want most out of a relationship and asking for that, and nothing else.
Don't sweat the small stuff. Things like punctuality, precautions, and any other kind of minor limit or inhibition will be of no concern to an independent mind. They like to flow through life, following their whims - and this often makes them extremely creative and fascinating individuals, which is what probably attracted you to them in the first place. By imposing dams, as little as they may be, you could very well suffocate the qualities that make this person desirable to you, if you don't manage to scare them off first.
Choose your battles wisely. Don't nitpick. If they're 15 minutes late and you end up missing a movie, roll with the punches and see the next one. But if they're 45 minutes late to pick you up in the middle of the night in a bad neighborhood, that's serious. In general, if it doesn't directly threaten the priorities you established in Step 1, then let it go and just enjoy the ride.
Avoid setting rules. Restrictions are like chains, and will send this wild horse running towards the horizon. Instead of saying, "Don't ever cheat on me," say "You'd be a complete idiot to risk losing such an awesome person like me just so you could get a little extra on the side. Just call me."
Get to know the person inside out. Study their tendencies, their quirks, their deepest desires, and their worst fears. Always be accepting and open-minded. Knowledge is power. The better you know this person, the less you'll feel the need to control them. Moreover, he or she will sense this and feel like you're the only person who truly knows them and thus, the only person they can be their uninhibited selves around. To a free spirit, this is the jackpot.
Give them the benefit of the doubt. A person who values his or her independence will truly test your ability to trust. You need to determine early on whether or not you trust this person, and then trust them completely. Sure, you might get burned, but you also might capture the heart of a person that no one else could touch.
Get in touch with your own free spirit. Don't sit at home, wondering what he or she is doing, or when they're going to call. Get in your car and take a road trip. Visit an old friend. Watch a new movie. Taste a different kind of food. Your free spirit will respect you for it, and feel a sense of kinship with you when you both get home and recount your adventures.
Appreciate their free-spiritedness. It takes strong character these days to march to the beat of your own drum. As long as you remember that independence is something to be appreciated, not just tolerated, you'll be giving a free spirit exactly the kind of nourishment that it needs.
By wikihow
How to Love
Love is a strange thing. It can be the most amazing feeling in the world, or it can really hurt, but in the end love is something most, if not all of us, will face. While there are many different ways to define love and there are many different ways to love someone (even yourself), here is a general guide to loving. Love is the continual act of unconditionally putting the needs of others before your own.
StepsSay it.
When you say the words "I Love You," do they carry it with them the desire to show someone you love them or do they carry it with them is it what you want to feel? And when you say it make sure you really mean it and are willing to do anything for that special person.
Empathize. Put yourself in someone else's shoes. Rather than impose your own expectations or attempt to control them, try to understand how they feel, where they come from, and who they are; and realize how they could also love you back just as well.
Love unconditionally. If you cannot love another person without attaching stipulations, then it is not love at all, but deep-seated opportunism (one who makes the most of an advantage, often unmindful of others). If your interest is not in the other person as such, but rather in how that person can enhance your experience of life, then it is not unconditional. If you have no intention of improving that person’s life, or allowing that person to be themselves and accepting them as they are, and not who you want them to be, then you are not striving to love them unconditionally.
Expect nothing in return. That doesn't mean you should allow someone to mistreat or undervalue you. It means that giving love does not guarantee receiving love. Try loving just for loving's sake. Realize that someone may have a different way of showing his or her love for you; do not expect to be loved back in exactly the same way.
Realize it can be lost. If you realize that you can lose the one you love, then you have a greater appreciation of what you have. Think how lucky you are to have someone to love.
Tips By WikiHow
Password Recovery Disk
Take preventive measures against losing user-level passwords.
It doesn't matter if you never again remember a Windows user password. Thanks to XP's Forgotten Password Wizard, your conscience will be free and clear -- should your mind happen to accidentally misplace your user password.
I highly suggest you create a password recovery disk the minute you create your user account. Why? In order to create a password recovery disk you're going to need your password. Write it down the minute you create your user account and then proceed to creating your very own password recovery disk.
Here's how to launch the Forgotten Password Wizard:
Single-click Start menu, Control Panel, and User Accounts.
Click your user account name.
Under Related Tasks on the left, click "Prevent forgotten password" to launch the wizard.
Now that you've launched the wizard, let it walk you through creating the recovery disk. Make sure the disk you use is formatted and in the drive. After it's finished creating the disk, label it and stash it away for an emergency.
If you happen to forget your password, all you need to do is click your user icon at the logon screen. Even though you don't have your password, go ahead and click the green arrow just like you would to finish logging on to your computer. This will launch a little yellow dialog box directing you to use your password recovery disk.
By FreePcTech
How to Remove Windows XP's Messenger
Set the Search Screen to the Classic Look
When I first saw the default search pane in Windows XP, my instinct was to return it to its classic look; that puppy had to go. Of course, I later discovered that a doggie door is built into the applet. Click "Change preferences" then "Without an animated screen character." If you'd rather give it a bare-bones "Windows 2000" look and feel, fire up your Registry editor and navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ CabinetState.
You may need to create a new string value labeled "Use Search Asst" and set it to "no".
By FreePCTech
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Easy searching
There's many things on internet that u can learn something you likes and you can search the things you r interesting in your life just go to google or any other websearch
And its easy if you want to searh something on google or webwearch just type some key of word you want to and clik the menu Go or just enter the key of keybord
Friday, April 25, 2008
Beach Holidays for Fun in the Sun
Everyone loves beach holidays! The little ones can dig in the sand and splash in the lapping waves. The older ones can swim, get a tan, or just relax. The inquisitive types can explore for sea life, tide pools, and drift wood. The warm breezes and natural beauty are invigorating and restorative. Any trip, however, can cause discomfort if you do not plan well. Here are things you can do to make your beach holidays easier, safer, and more meaningful.
In many parts of the world, people head for their beach holidays in the family car. When planning a trip, it's always a good idea to give the car a good cleaning out first. This will give you more room for your luggage. Stock you glovebox, too, with a few first aid and comfort items, such as sunblock, acetominiphen for headaches, a roll of antacids, a few cough drops, and a few bandaids. Don't forget a couple of scrunchies or pony-tailers for long hair. Get the tires checked and replace any that are likely to go flat. Get an oil change if it's getting close. Road trips are not much fun when they include breakdowns. And whatever you do, make sure you have a map and a place to keep it handy.
Travelling with kids is always a challenge. They may be particularly excited and impatient when they know they are going on beach holidays. Make sure they have cool water bottles and healthy snacks to munch. Try a simple car game to make the time pass. Many kids like looking for letters of the alphabet on signs. If several people get involved it can be quite fun.
With beach holidays particularly, there is always a need to provide for skin safety. Be particularly careful about being in the sun for long stretches of time between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Use a sunblock with a high SPF rating and replace it after getting wet or drying off with your towel. The towel you choose can make a difference too. Thick towels get heavy and tend to trap a lot of sand. You may find you like thin towels at the beach. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes and some sort of foot protection to keep your feet from being burned on the hot sand.
With a little preparation your beach holidays can be enjoyable and problem-free. When you arrive home you will be relaxed
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Why Play Games?
Today playing games is largely seen as leisure time activity "something we do pleasure and perhaps to stretch ourselves physicaly or mentally.Physical game Promote flexsibility and agility, stenght and stamina.
Word and number games build up literacy and numeracy skills in a fun but challenging way. Games may be relaxing or challenging, and both type can be benefecial in releasing the tension of busy life. But Games playing can help to build social skill.
Children can learn leadership skilla, the importance of rules, as well as develop their ability to participate as team player. They can experience success and failure how to accept both with grace.
Taking part in games of all sorts builds confidence and self expression regardless of the skills of the player.
The Sadnes
The stars they sink
In the oceans of ink
Long black ribbons of cars
And in the taxi
You ask me how I'm doing
But you already know
Beyond, beyond is not through
Its only a reflection of you
And something at the window
It motions with its fingers
Calling me beyond
The sadness is mine
The sadness is mine
Its why you're not helping me
And whatever has come for me
Oh I can give you whatever you're wanting
Just take it and spare me spare me
Please oh tell me this is only a warning, no
Please have mercy let me go
If only a day to let her know
Without her love I'm nothing at all
The change is happening and I'm almost gone
In her heart is my faith
And it wins against the sadness
The train it moves through the desert
The horses they will challenge its stride
And into the boxcar she leaps
And is my hero
And penetrates the demons inside
The clouds they pass
But they're moving so fast
As I watch them collide
Collide and collapse in her arms like a newborn child
I am at one reborn
The fog in the mote
As he grabs me by the throat
It lifts as she comes
She opens her cloak and the color of blood
It is the sign of what now must come
Deny deny me my destiny
I am not ready to go
I am the horror that brings us to the morning
Where I will have to stand and fight God
What Makes a Good Game
No one can say certainty what makes a game endure and spread in popularity, or why ercane, Forgoten games hang on and thrive in one region and not other.
Sometimes fashion playes unexpected trump, as when backgammon rose from near obsecurity to become fashionable during 1960s and 1970s. The poker world of today is dominated by Texas Hold "Em, which for the first century of its existence was perhapsknown only montana saloons.
Several elements do appear to influence survival in the game worldA sense of competition is obviously important,and so portability. Many children's games endure because they require little or no equipment.
Often, race and tag games simply involve energy, while word games need only penciland paper. A mix of luck and skill is eternally resent in succesful games. Children enjoy the surprises of chance more than grow-up do,
For older players it's more a matter of personal taste trough we still love a luck break, we hope to have skill to cope with whatever is dealt.
History of Games
Game playing is an activity thats dates back well beyondrecorded history and probally arrivedsoon after peoples themselves. Ball games, For instance, where probaly firs played with stone thrown by youngsters as a way of preparing for the hunt - or for defending the tribe or attacking enemies. Then people started to polishand shapes these stones to make them round and good for throwing.
Archacologist have foundstones like theset hat date back at least 5.000 years.
Over the countries balls have been made from stone, papyrus, marble, wood, and terra cotta, or sewn together from animal hides and stuffed with hay, kapok, sawdust, or seeds.
It was not until the early 19th century that the solid, bouncing rubber ball was first introduced.
Race and tag games had similar origins. Participants built up agility and strength for the hunt-and no equipmentwas needed, except for a pair of study legs. Other games may have evolved out of ancient rituals. Apple Ducking has been traditional Halloween game since medieval times but may have it roots even earlier in Celtic Britainand teh festival of samhain.
This was when teh worlds of the living and the dead where believed to move closer togehter and past, present, and future where said to merge.
When the Romans conquered Britain, they brought with them the apple tree and its fruit. which respresented the goddess Pomona. who was assosiated with fertility.
The Celt belived teh apple had special power to predict the future.
During their celebrations their young people hade to bite into apples were floating in water-and the fisrt successful couple whould be tehe next to marry. There is world of the diference betweenthe supposed origin of this game and the extravagant manner in which the young King Edward V11 of the England is said to have played Apple Ducking in the mid 19th century, with the apple bobbing in wine bucket filled with chapagne!
It is however, hugily difficult to pinpoint the exact origins of many games. Most have been around for every long time, and although early records such as an ancient tomb painting may be evidence of game's existence, it does not help determine whether the game originated in the culture or was simply adapted from somewhere else. Centuries of migration, trade , war, and travel have carried games all arround the world.
Art Hobby
Do you know collecting things is a fun hobby, and one of the most interesting things to collect are art collectibles. Many different items can be painted with artwork and become an art collectible. Hobby enthusiasts collect such things as saw blades, and wooden eggs which have had artwork painted on. People even collect designer rugs as art. Another art collectible hobby is collecting limited edition plates, thimbles, Christmas ornaments, and figurines produced by such companies as Bradford Exchange. And of course, many people collect fine art paintings. I like to a collect the Words hi..hii.. thats can make me feel God Really love me and peoples in the world . So what kind of Hobby you are Now
I know not all peoples like to collecting somethings but im surely alots of peoples in the world likes to do that collectings. The person with an art collectible hobby will probably find his or her own favorite artists whose works they appreciate. They can choose to focus on one particular artist, either past or present, or they can choose from the works of many artists. On the other hand, they may collect art and art objects around a theme they enjoy, such as cigars, wild animals, or piano music.
One may think of an art collector as a rich person who has the money to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on an original Van Gogh. A person of more modest means can collect art too, however. Post cards are a good place to start. Most art museum gift shops offer high quality, glossy postcards printed with some of their more notable acquisitions. By buying those cards one really appreciates, anyone can have an art collection.
Ebay is a good source of art collectibles whatever type of art or collectible you fancy. In fact, if you are just starting out, the choices and options can be overwhelming! Just remember that you can sell your own belongings as well as buying those of others. This should make the impact on the budget a little less powerful. Other ideas for inexpensively collecting art collectibles are scouring flea markets, thrift shops, and garage sales. You never know what treasure someone else may be getting rid of.
One nice thing about art collectibles is that artists can be found in every part of the world. The art collector should scout the local art shows, museums, and artist's hangouts to find out just what sort of talent can be had less expensively and close to home. Because of the local flavor of some artwork, art collectibles make good travel souvenirs. For instance, the artist Linda Barnicott specializes in paintings of scenes, buildings, and landmarks found around Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Similarly, collectors can find local artist almost everywhere.
Art and Crafts
YMCA of HongKong is open course for learning making Craft and Candle making. Are you a camp director, teacher, or homeschool mom looking for a new arts and crafts idea for your kids? Or maybe you are a recreation director at a senior center or nursing home and could use a new project. Either way, this arts and crafts idea will be interesting and fun for all. This glass case can be used, given as a gift, or converted into a necklace purse. And theres so fun to learn makes on it
To make the glasses case, you will need the following simple materials: a square of craft foam, plastic or large blunt needles, lanyard lace or thick yarn. Cut two rectangles from the foam, each 3-1/2 inches (9 cm.) by 6 inches (15 cm.). With a hole punch, make holes on three sides of each rectangle, leaving one short side unpunched. Make the holes 1/2 inch apart and allow at least 1/4 inch between the hole and the edge of the craft foam. The holes need to line up so that the two pieces can be laced together. If you are preparing the craft for small children, you should make the holes yourself. Otherwise, the crafters can do this step if you have enough pairs of hole punches.
At this point the crafters can cut decorative shapes from other colors of craft foam, or you can buy sets of ready-cut foam shapes. If you are doing the craft at a special event, like vacation Bible school, choose shapes that echo the theme of the event. For instance, if the Bible school or camp has a cowboy theme, find shapes that fit well, such as boots, cowboy hats, and stars. Let the kids choose the shapes they like and glue on as desired. You might also like to provide beads or sequins to glue on as well, especially if the crafters are a little older.
The next step in this arts and crafts idea is to thread the plastic needle with the yarn or lanyard lace. Yarn might be a little easier to handle, but lanyard lace is shiny and attractive. In a pinch, some teachers of small children use a bobby pin as a needle. It is certainly a safe alternative. Simply loop the yarn through the opening and use the open end of the bobby pin as if it were the point of the needle. The children can now begin to lace the front and back of the glasses case together.
To turn this arts and crafts idea into a necklace purse, simply attach a piece of lanyard lace to each corner making a long handle. Kids will enjoy using this case as a place to store secret notes and small objects. If they'd rather, they can give the glasses case to a parent, grandparent, or friend who wears glasses. Either way, this arts and crafts idea will be interesting for all.
What is a Resume?
Your resume present is profesional "you" on paper in a clear, brief, honest and reader friendly manner. Its an advertisment wich says "It is your interest as an employer to interview me because of what I can do for your company."A good Resume will increase the probality of your being interviewed, wich is often teh headset part of teh jobsearch process. However, even the written resume provides no guarantee that you will be invited to an interview.
When possible, your resume should be focused on the specific job oportunity you are seeking. Therefore you may develop different resumes for different situations.
if you cant't be friend with your friends, its going to be worse yet dealing with your enemies..."
a best friend is someone who likes you for what you are inside your heart, nt what you look like...
trying to make a friends and keep friends isn't easy, especially when you're teenager
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
A Final Appeal
I'm beggin' ya for the sake of your world and mine
"I'm beggin' ya" is the plea of last resort. It's hard to ignore the pathetic wail of "I'm beggin' ya". If you're wavering about trying to start an everyday exercise habit, I'm beggin' ya to read this page. I'd make puppy dog eyes at you if I could. If enough people read this, it could change the world. Sappy and unlikely, but I had to make the heading work.
You've probably got a lot of time to be miserable or happy in
" Really think about the years and years before you; "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" sounds great, but a more cynical and alarming version is: "You'll never be any younger than you are right now". Or how about "In every day in every way, you're getting older and feebler". Your physical condition declines little by little, then functionality, then you die. Dying, or course, is inevitable, but if you exercise and eat right, you can drastically slow down the other. But going by most people, you probably won't.
Or, to put it another way: A lot of horrible things can happen to you between now and when you die. You can decrease the chances they will. But, going by most people, you probably won't.
It doesn't look good for most people, so don't be them
Maybe I can scare you into starting at least
Maybe you just don't think it's in you - I disagree