Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Final Appeal

I'm beggin' ya for the sake of your world and mine
"I'm beggin' ya" is the plea of last resort. It's hard to ignore the pathetic wail of "I'm beggin' ya". If you're wavering about trying to start an everyday exercise habit, I'm beggin' ya to read this page. I'd make puppy dog eyes at you if I could. If enough people read this, it could change the world. Sappy and unlikely, but I had to make the heading work.

You've probably got a lot of time to be miserable or happy in

" Really think about the years and years before you; "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" sounds great, but a more cynical and alarming version is: "You'll never be any younger than you are right now". Or how about "In every day in every way, you're getting older and feebler". Your physical condition declines little by little, then functionality, then you die. Dying, or course, is inevitable, but if you exercise and eat right, you can drastically slow down the other. But going by most people, you probably won't.

Or, to put it another way: A lot of horrible things can happen to you between now and when you die. You can decrease the chances they will. But, going by most people, you probably won't.

It doesn't look good for most people, so don't be them

Maybe I can scare you into starting at least

Maybe you just don't think it's in you - I disagree

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